How to Write a Perfect Practice Transition Letter in 8 Steps

A practice transition letter might not be the first thing on your mind, but when most doctors purchase a dental practice, one of the big worries is always patient retention. Most of the value of a dental practice is in the goodwill with the existing patient base, and if those patients choose not to come back, you’re in trouble.

Fortunately, this ALMOST NEVER happens. At Integrity Practice Sales, we work hard to make sure that both buying and selling doctor work together to manage a successful transition.

Many doctors decide to write a letter explaining the transition to patients. This can be a powerful tool for controlling the narrative around the transition and can help patients feel at ease with the new doctor.

How to Write a Practice Transition Letter

As with all powerful tools, however, the transition letter can be misused and serve to confuse or worry patients. Remember that patients don’t really care who “owns” a dental practice. In fact, practice ownership rarely crosses their minds.

Instead, they want to know why their doctor is leaving (or becoming less available) and who the new doctor is. In fact, patients can be offended if they read that Dr Seller “sold” her practice to Dr. Buyer.

The transition letter should be used to thank your patients for their loyalty and friendship over the years, explain why you are transitioning (basics only), and then promote the new doctor. Preemptively thank the patients for continuing as patients at the practice and for supporting the new doctor.

Tips for a great transition letter from the seller:

  1. Have a professional photo taken of Dr. Seller and Dr. Buyer together to use in the letter.
  2. Write an introductory paragraph explaining the need for the transition and thank them for the years of commitment to the practice.
  3. Introduce the replacing dentist and include experience and qualifications.
  4. Dr Seller should become Dr Buyer’s patient and let the patients know this.
  5. Explain the reason you have chosen this doctor to take over your practice.
  6. Give a personal view of the new dentist, including hobbies and family.
  7. Keep this letter enthusiastic and share your optimism regarding the transition.
  8. Repeat your appreciation and confidence in the new doctor.

Send this letter out AFTER the close of escrow. This cannot be over-emphasized. The deal isn’t done until it’s done. Once you close escrow and send out the letter, you’ll also want to call the patients that have scheduled appointments over the next few days since they will be at the office prior to receiving the letter.

The (Second) Practice Transition Letter You Didn’t Know You Needed

A few months into the new practice, the buyer should send out a second practice transition letter. This is the encourage your new patient, give some authority, and encourage them to reach out so you can listen to their goals.

From the new doctor (1 to 2 months after the transition):

  1. Greet and welcome the patient.
  2. Talk about your background and experience.
  3. Discuss common commitment and philosophies with the previous dentist and thank him or her for their support and for creating such a nice practice.
  4. Thank the patients for such a warm welcome and thank the team for being so supportive and encouraging.
  5. Encourage the patient to come by to meet you or call with any concerns.
  6. Express your desire to get to know the patients and promise to listen to their goals.


At Integrity Practice Sales, we provide samples and help the doctors draft ideal transition letters, but no matter who you list with or buy from, following these guidelines will help you retain the value of your new practice and build great relationships that will last for years to come!

Interested in what else comes next? Check out our post on Meeting Your New Team After the Close!